Wednesday, November 09, 2005

the dirty glass test

If ever you forget which type of restaurant you are dining at there is a simple litmus test that always reveals the answer.

It's called "the dirty glass test".

If your "glass" is in fact paper or plastic then you are enjoying fast food. The good thing about fast food is you rarely receive a dirty glass. And if you did you'd simply toss it in the trash and get a new one. It's that simple.

If you notice a smudge on your glass and you hail the waiter to report it and the waiter takes the reported glass and holds it up to the light and says "that's not dirty, it's just water stains" then you are enjoying casual food at a restaurant like the Cheese Cake Factory or perhaps Islands. Usually the new glass will be clean and if it's not, tough.

You know you are dining fine when you report a dirty glass and the waiter swoops in and ushers the dirty glass away without even inspecting it. It's as if the waiter is embarrassed that you had to go through that experience. And to point out a subtle difference at the fine restaurant most often the waiter will inspect the new replacement glass to make sure this time they get it right.

If ever you're unsure where you are try it for yourself.

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