Saturday, February 07, 2009

Sully the Hero Pilot

This whole thing with Captain Sully has gotten way out of hand. The other day someone overheard me say that Sully is not my hero and before everyone goes on the attack let me clarify where I stand on this subject that shouldn't even be a subject.

Fact 1: Captain Sully flew a plane into a flock of birds and crashed into the Hudson River. So far there's nothing heroic here. There are plenty of pilots who have flown thousands of flights and not once crashed. Given the choice I'd choose to fly with one of those pilots with a clean track record.

Fact 2: All 154 people on the plan survived. Now that's pretty awesome. Apparently this Sully guy walked up and down the aisles of the plane and made sure every passenger got safely out onto the wings. Now that's a heroic act.

Ok here's where I take a different approach. If I'm ever going to be on a plane that crashes I want this Sully on my flight because he's a team player that's going to unselfishly help others survive. BUT let's be clear, I don't want him in the cockpit flying the plane with his track record. In my perfect World Sully is a flight attendant and one of those pilots who has never hit birds and never crashed is flying.

"Sully the Hero Flight Attendant"

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